Bro. Dosh Jackson is honored at Atlanta City Hall by Mayor Kasim Reed (L) and City Council President Bro. Ceasar Mitchell (R)
On the afternoon of February 7, 2011, the Atlanta City Council celebrated the life of Eta Omega’s own Bro. Dosh R. Jackson. Bro. Jackson’s 100th birthday is on February 22, 2011. Surrounded by nearly 40 family members, friends, and Omega brothers, Bro. Jackson was the guest of honor at a brief reception in City Hall. After Bro. Jackson imparted a few brief words of thanks, City Council President (and Eta Omega member) Bro. Ceasar Mitchell led the group to Council Chambers for a Council meeting.

Bro. Dosh Jackson, flanked by family, friends and Omega brothers, is recognized in the Atlanta City Council chambers by Council President Bro. Ceasar Mitchell
After calling the Council meeting to order, Bro. Mitchell brought the group up to the podium. Council members, family, and Omega Men filed up to the microphone to thank Bro. Jackson for his contributions to their lives and the community. Bro. Mitchell read a proclamation on behalf of the Council, and then ceded the podium to Bro. Jackson.
Bro. Jackson gave a few tips on combating old age and living a long, healthy life:
- Keep yourself clean
- Exercise
- Eat less
- Do not smoke
- Get regular Physical Checkups
- Do some kind of work
- Write Letters
- Maintain a Hobby
- Read Good Books
- Get involved in Community Actives
- Count your Blessings
- Fill your Mind with Positive Words
- Speak a Good Word or Do a Good Deed
- Don’t let yourself get Bitter or Mean
- and Never give up Hope