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ETA Omega Chapter History

"On December 1, 1919, I went to Atlanta, Georgia, at my own expense to help Brother Harold Thomas set up Eta Chapter. The same was composed of professional men in Atlanta and selected students of Morehouse College, Atlanta and Clark Universities, and Gammon Theological Seminary."

- Bro. Raymond G. Robinson, 7th Grand Basileus

The ETA Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated was founded in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 1, 1919. It was the seventh permanent chapter of the fraternity to be established. ETA Chapter was set up upon the initiative of Bro. Harold H. Thomas of Beta Chapter, and Bros. Horace A. Hodges, Harvey Smith, Lawrence R. Harper, and Clinton E. Warner of the Camp Howard Chapter, all of whom were Atlanta residents. These brothers were aided in their endeavors by Bro. Raymond G. Robinson, the Fraternity's seventh Grand Basileus. ETA Chapter received its charter on December 27, 1919.

ETA Chapter was comprised of brothers upholding the principles of Omega at Atlanta University, Clark University (later College), Morehouse College, Gammon Theological Seminary and college graduates in the Atlanta area. It was the first chapter of any Black Greek-letter organization to be founded and chartered in the state of Georgia.

Brothers from the institutions that made up ETA Chapter eventually established their own chapters: Omicron at Gammon Theological Seminary (1921); Psi at Morehouse (1921); Tau at Atlanta University (1922); and Beta Psi at Clark (1923), leaving Eta for graduates. Under the leadership of Grand Basileus J. Alston Atkins (1922-1923), the Fraternity developed a new naming scheme for undergraduate and graduate chapters. Thus, the original ETA Chapter has since been known as ETA Omega Chapter.

Throughout its 90 years of existence, ETA Omega has been at the forefront of Omega's efforts in Georgia, the Seventh District, and throughout the Fraternity as a whole. The Chapter has hosted or co-hosted 5 Grand Conclaves. It has also produced outstanding Omega leaders at the National, District and State levels, including the 8th Grand Basileus, aforementioned Chapter founder Bro. Harold H. Thomas, and the 33rd Grand Basileus, Bro. Moses C. Norman. ETA Omega has also been continuously recognized within the Fraternity and in the community for its community work and programs. As it approaches 100 years of service, ETA Omega Chapter will continue to build on the legacy of Omega's founders and the Omega Men that have built the Chapter into a pillar of the community.

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