Join the Eta Omega Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. for our annual Achievement Week celebration. As we do every year, we will recognize members of our community and fraternity that have gone above and beyond in serving others this past year.

This year’s Achievement Week Banquet will be held on November 6, and the Guest Speaker is Brother William E. “Kip” Ward, retired United States Army Three-star General.

About Achievement Week
Achievement Week is a Nationally Mandated Program of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. It was originally designed by Brother Carter G. Woodson to “promote the study of Negro life and history”, and began even before Negro History Week (now Black History Month). Omega Psi Phi’s Achievement Week is observed in November of each year and is designed to seek out and give due recognition to those individuals at the local and international levels who have made a noteworthy contribution toward improving the quality of life for African Americans.

Photos from the 2015 Achievement Week Banquet